Transform Your Horse Into Everything 
You Wish Them To Be...

With This Step-By-Step Horsemanship Pathway That ANYONE Can Follow!

Give Us 30 Days and You will...
  • Build a Foundation
  • Create Confidence in Yourself
  • Create Confidence in Your Horse
  • ​Correct Bad Habits
  • ​Build a Partnership
*This works with any level of rider, with any breed of horse, in any discipline!
The Challenge Will Begin October 19, 2024!
Have you suffered a
setback in your horsemanship program?

Are you looking for a
training program that actually works?

Have you tried other methods
only to realize they are not for you or your horse?
Are You Feeling Lost In Your Horsemanship Journey?
Do you feel like neither of you are living up to your full potential as a team?  Maybe you work with your horse every day, but you lack the patience to get true results, so every day you start in the same place, or even from two steps back?

Afraid that you will get injured?  Afraid that you will make a mistake and your horse will get worse?  Afraid that you will offend your horse in some way?

Maybe you just do not have the knowledge and "tools in your toolbox" to move forward with your horse and get results?  Perhaps your horse bucks, or bolts, or any number of things that you just don’t know how to work through.

"Have you tried this?", "You should do this.", "Why are you doing that?"; causing you to end up in a worse spot than you started at, or you begin to feeling inadequate and lose even more of your confidence.  You start to ask the questions "why can’t I get my horse to behave the way I want?", "what is wrong with me that makes this so difficult?", "what is wrong with my horse?"
Are You Having Trouble
Finding The Answers You Are Searching For?
Because, if nothing else, horse people are determined to "try" and you don’t want to admit you may have failed.  As you search through overwhelming amounts of information and try to pick solutions that you haven’t already tried, you notice how easy everyone makes it look.  The videos on the internet that start with the “unrideable” horse, and within the 5 minute video, that same horse is ready to be a kids horse.  The tips and tricks sheets that are available by the thousands, but which ones work?

Probably most of them work some of the time and some of them just flat out don't work any of the time; I have seen people use both.  I have even tried some of them over the years at various times; but the biggest thing that I have seen, is that I have seen them fail more times than I can count.  This doesn’t make them wrong, but so many people will choose a way to do or fix something, and then continue to force it even when it is not getting the result they are looking for.  Horses are a living being and some methods are so specific, how can we expect them to work with every different horse.  Do the same incentives and motivations work for you as they do your neighbor across the road?  Probably not; however, the underlying idea is fundamentally the same.

The most important part of this program are the results that you will see in your horse.  They will become a much more willing, focused, and trusted partner.  The results that I have seen from the thousands of people that have applied these methods are amazing!

This is what I have created! 
Horsemanship from the ground up and it works with EVERY horse!

You Are Not Alone...
I didn’t have the answers and I wasn’t entirely sure where to get them.  What I did have was passion and determination, and those combined with the thirst for knowledge sent me on a lifelong search to find those answers.

Not only that, I can provide them to you in a much shorter timeframe.

Once I had the tools and knowledge, I took the time to test it, to apply it to different different horses.  Thus began my search for the “untrainable” horse; and I found some that would make even the strongest of trainers quake in their boots.  The horses I came across had made their way through trainer after trainer and had been labelled “untrainable”.  They were not for the faint of heart; but as I applied the things I had learned, IT WORKED…it got through to them and they understood!  I became one of the horsemen who could change a horse’s demeanor in minutes.  The difference, I came to realize, was that my method worked with ANY horse!
Steve Rother
Steve Rother is one of the country's top horsemanship clinicians.  He has travelled across the country over the span of multiple decades building his knowledge of horses and finding ways to impart that wisdom to the thousands of people who look to him for guidance each year.  Steve has created many horsemanship programs that help any horse and rider build their confidence together.  The methods he uses and teaches work for all breeds, within all disciplines, and he is dedicated to helping every rider, no matter their level of experience, get the partnership that they truly want with their horse.

Three-time undefeated champion of the Red Deer Mane Event Trainer's Challenge,  Steve has a special way with horses.  His ability to teach both human and horse is unsurpassed in the industry.
Imagine What Life Would Be Like If You Too Could Have The Success That I Have Found?
If the things I have learned and fine-tuned over decades can work on the “untrainable” horse, think what that same knowledge can do for you and your horse!

Think of the joy you will feel when you have a complete and willing partner in your horse.  When you go out riding and know that the two of you are a team who can handle anything.  That you won’t have to be one of those riders that is scared their horse may buck, bolt, spook, or any other behavior that makes your stomach jump up into your throat.  You can be the rider that HAS THE ANSWERS!

Discover the rider that you have always wanted to be…

The One Ride Away
30 Day Challenge!
This guided 30-Day Challenge is guaranteed to change your horsemanship, your life, and the life of your horse!

Spend a month creating a relationship with your horse that most people can only dream of!

Join now with this exclusive offer to reserve your spot in this challenge.
Training Tomorrow's Horsemanship Leaders
the following are included in this Guided Online Pathway:
30 Online Video Lessons ($960 Value)
Each day you will receive a video lesson from myself as I demonstrate with Maverick how to complete the daily assignment.  Being able to see the exercise being completed will help you do the same with your horse.  Being in video form allows you the ability to pause, rewind, and re-watch as much as you might need before going out and trying it with your horse.
Access to a Members-Only Online Community ($100)
You won't be alone!  I know that the horses and riders that will participate in this challenge will range in experience.  Having a place where members can meet and communicate from across the country will allow for support and motivation, as well as clarification and further learning.  People can share their difficulties as well as their triumphs and you can feel comfortable knowing that you are not alone.
Daily Assignment Workbook ($100)
A specifically designed workbook will be provided to you that will have every assignment, a checklist to help guide you through each assignment, questions to help you focus on the lessons, and information to further assist you as you work through the daily exercises.  Having a copy becomes like your roadmap for the challenge and will work as a plan to follow for the coming 30 days.
Supplementary Articles ($20)
For some of the daily assignments, I will also provide you with supplementary information in the form of articles.  These will provide even more in-depth information for the exercise, including diagrams and photos. 
The Opportunity to Build a Better Partnership with Your Horse ($Priceless)
If you put in the time and effort to complete this challenge, you are guaranteed to have a better partnership with your horse at the end, as well as more confidence in yourself.  This is 30 days to a better you and a better horse!  To put this into perspective, think about how much it would cost to send your horse to a professional trainer for 30 days?  This is a fraction of that price, and the better relationship being built will be between you and your horse, not your horse and a trainer.
Direct Access To Steve
For Assistance ($Priceless)
Not only will I be available within the members-only community, but I will also be available via email and Facebook.  I do not want anyone to feel like they cannot complete this challenge as long as they are willing to put in the effort.  So, if it comes down to something that you don't quite understand, or your horse is reacting in a way that you don't know how to deal with, I will be there to help!
Riding lessons these days often cost around $40/lesson

however, I am offering 30 lessons to you 
for the exclusive price of only $197!


Join the journey today and take the first step towards
having the horse you have always dreamed of!

You are only one ride away!

If You Sign up today i am offering these 3 extra bonus offers!
Bonus #1 - Ultimate Balance Diagram
Ultimate Balance Diagram
This diagram will be crucial for you to understand and implement the key parts of this program.  Creating a balanced horse is one of the keys to your future success!

Valued at $25
Bonus #2 - 50 Quick Tips Guide
50 Quick Tips Guide
Enjoy these 50 quick tips created by the Horse Teacher, based on decades of horsemanship knowledge.

Valued at $50
Bonus #3 - Access To Bonus Footage
10 Bonus Problem Solving Videos
Steve will take you more in depth on how to solve specific issues with some fundamental exercises that you will learn in this program.  Topics include: 
Herd Bound, Buddy Sour, Bathing, and Many More.

Valued at $100
These bonuses are a MUST HAVE addition for any horsemanship program. 
The Balance Diagram will help you visualize your horse from a different perspective.  Helping you to create the balance that is required for success.

Steve created the 50 Quick Tips from knowledge he gained over decades of working with thousands of horses.  This booklet is not offered anywhere else!

The bonus footage will assist you with specific issues that you may encounter with your horse.  Having these additional videos will only grow your wealth of knowledge.

These bonuses would retail at a value of over $175, but today I am throwing them in completely FREE just for signing up to participate in this exciting challenge!
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If, after 30 days, you have completed everything in the program, and you are not satisfied with your results, I will give you your money back and you can keep everything!
Don't Miss The Chance To
Realize Your Dreams
You are this close to having all the tools you need to create an unsurpassed partnership with your horse.  To having access to the knowledge required to build your confidence.  To facing your fears of failure and putting them in the past.  To realizing your dreams.

As you participate in this challenge you will astound yourself daily as you see the success that you can achieve with your horse.

Do not miss out on this amazing opportunity!
With the added bonuses that you will receive by signing up today, there is no stopping how far your horsemanship journey can go.

Remember, you're just one ride away...

-Steve Rother
Here’s A Recap Of
When You Sign Up For This AMAZING Challenge!
  • 30 Online Video Lessons
  • Members Only Online Community
  •  Daily Assignment Workbook
  •  Supplementary Articles
  •  A Better Partnership With Your Horse
  •  Direct Access To Steve For Assistance
  •  Ultimate Balance Diagram
  •  50 Quick Tips Guide
  •  Bonus Footage
Total Value: Over $1,300
But today, you're getting all of this...
For Only For $197

The Time Is Now...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Step #1: Contact Information
Step #2: Shipping Address

Secure Payment

All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy...
Step #3: Check out
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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

Dynamically Updated
Past Participant
Frequently Asked Questions

 Do I need access to an arena or round pen?

You do not need access to an arena or round pen.  Although, there are a couple of exercises that are easier to execute with the use of a safe wall or fence, we encourage creativity and have had people make use of whatever they have available to them.  This program is designed to be able to be done from anywhere.

 Do I need to be available to work with my horse every day?

You do not need to be able to work with your horse every day.  This program offers to inspire you to work with your horse everyday, but we know that that is not always a possibility for everyone.  That is one of the reasons why we extend the lesson availability to 45 days; this gives extra time to go through the lessons and follow the pathway, as well as go back and work on any that you feel you'd like to be better.  We also provide one day per week as a "catch up and review" day.  Even if you can only get out to work with your horse a couple times a week, the lessons are set up for your success if you continue to follow the pathway.

 How long do I need to work with my horse each day?

Every horse and rider will be a bit different, as we are all in a different spot in our journey.  The biggest thing to remember is to start by noticing the smallest change and the slightest try from your horse and rewarding it.  We have seen success through this program with as little as 15-30 minutes a day, but it will all depend on consistency and making sure that you always end on a good note.

 Do I need to travel?

You do not need to travel anywhere to participate in this program.  We have designed this to be a pathway that you can follow from the comfort of your own home or stable.  We have spent years traveling the country to teach at clinics, but there are only so many weekends in a year, so we wanted a program that we could offer to anyone who might not be able to attend one of our clinics.

 Do I need to buy your equipment?

You do not need to purchase any of our equipment.  We strive to supply the best equipment possible to anyone who is looking for solid horsemanship equipment, and the products that we sell are the same products that we use with our own horses.  However, we do not require you to purchase any of these items to be successful in this program.  You can use anything you currently own and use.

 What age of horse can I take through this program?

Most of this program would be great for any age of horse; however, there are a few lessons that are completed from the saddle.  That being said, we have had a few people take their younger horses through this program and then converted the lessons from the saddle to groundwork lessons.  If this is something you would be interested in, please reach out to us at and we can help you come up with ground exercises.

 Do I need to join the Facebook group?

We find that the Facebook Group is a great place to connect with other people who are also going through the lessons.  By being a part of the group you can learn by watching other people's successes and struggles, as well as receive support for your own.  The group provides an extra learning opportunity in that sense, as well as allowing Steve to go "live" to answer questions via Facebook Live once in a while.  But we do know that not everyone is on Facebook or is technologically inclined, so it is not mandatory to join the group.  If you decide not to join the group but you find that you have questions, please don't hesitate to email us at  We are always here to help.

 Do you get lifetime access to the lessons?

The program is designed to motivate people to get out and work with their horse for the 45-day duration, so there is not lifetime access to the videos so that people are more inclined to go out and participate; however, you do receive a hardcopy workbook and lifetime access to the private Facebook group.  We also offer discounts for people who want to retake the program (we have had several go through 2 or even 3 times).   Obviously we want to make sure that everyone gets the value out of this program, so if by some chance something unforeseen occurs that causes you not to be able to complete the program in that time frame, we will often extend access or provide access to a future session, just get a hold of us if something like this happens.
© Copyright 2023  - All Rights Reserved, Steve Rother Horsemanship